Compression: A Solution for Edema, Renee Romero RN, CLT-LANA, Newsletter, 2012
Compression: A Solution for Edema, Renee Romero RN, CLT-LANA, Newsletter, 2012
Compression: A Solution for Edema, Renee Romero RN, CLT-LANA, Newsletter, 2012
Idiopathic Bell's Palsy
A Case Study of
Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) Treatment
Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, and David Doubblestein, MSPT, LLCC
Published in Advance for Physical Therapists - Vol. 20 • Issue 11 • Page 27
LDT & Working With The Brain…The Next Frontier, Massage & Bodywork, Eileen Laird, Massage & Bodywork interview, 2010
What is Lymph Drainage Therapy; What Does it Offer? Jane Shepard, M.Ed., L.L.C.C., New Visions Magazine, 2007
Lymph Drainage Therapy Achieves Mini Face-Lifting Effects, Mya Breman, L.C.S.W., L.M.T., CST-D, Conference Feature Presentation, 2007
Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy, Barbara J Korosec, RN, MS, LLCC, 2004
I would first like to say that I am always grateful to be given any opportunity to talk about lymphedema and its care. I acquired lymphedema in 2005, having had a severe parasitic infection (schistosomiasis), which went undiagnosed for three years. The infection caused the enlargement of my inguinal lymph nodes on the right side of my body, with subsequent scarring of those nodes. Prior, I had worked as an Occupational Therapist for nearly 10 years in a hospital based setting.
Lymphedema and Lymph-Drainage Techniques,Bruno Chikly and Sue Welfley, Massage Therapy Journal,2001, Fall
What is Lymph Drainage Therapy; What Does it Offer?Jane Shepard, M.Ed., L.L.C.C, New Visions Magazine, 2001
Renee's Lymphedema Corner: Calling All LLCC Therapists!, Renee Romero RN, CLT-LANA
If you have never taken a Chikly Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT), Brain Therapy, or Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) class please complete the form below to create a new account.
These therapies can be used to treat both children and adults suffering from physical injuries, neurological disorders, cognitive disabilities, lymphatic disorders, athletes with sport injuries, recovering war veterans, and elders with age-related conditions that inhibit their quality of life.