HCT-ADV, Paradigm Shifts in Emotional Healing, we hope you will enjoy this class:
Some years ago, I was exploring the nature of my inner-feminine. In dialogue, she told me that if I wanted to really know her, I had to meet my inner-male, her counterpart. This was a total surprise, and to meet my inner male was an even bigger surprise. As I opened to this once unknown relationship, I witnessed a deep separation and inability to be in full trust and love with him. I had no idea that this separation existed within myself between my inner male and female.
I could then see the unresolved relationship of my mother and father was still alive within me, and my fear of male violence held me in a space of withdrawal. Family trauma had deeply imprinted me and left a mark of distortion upon the consciousness of my own inner male-female relationship.
Healing this relationship for myself, my inner child, my mother, my father and ancestors was a huge liberation. There was an immediate shift in my marriage as I grew to love and trust my own inner male. As both Bruno and I both worked on our inner male-female relationship we recreated something deep within ourselves and in our marriage.
The deeper we are able to love ourselves, we are able to extend this love to others. Blame and judgment dissolves as we understand that our pain, resentment, or disappointment of our partners is a projection of our own inner relationship. There is no “out there”. As we make the changes within ourselves the world changes. This is empowerment. Once we live with inner trust and safety, the opening to the Universal Divine Male-Female opens. This clearly gave us a new foundation upon which to recreate our relationships and reconnect more deeply.
As I looked more deeply into the Universal Principle of Gender, my vision of life opened. This principle far exceeds our personal relationships and our global limited versions of male and female. This principle touches into every part of our existence, into all of existence. There is no life form that does not embody the male-female principle. The quality of this relationship is foundational to the quality of all our relationships.
Because we globally have several distorted views of male-female, we tend to identify with the distortion and not with the pure principle. Now is the time to awaken to the profound beauty of the inner male and female and expand our universal vision and connection.
Bruno introduced us to the 3 embryological germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and the endoderm in his EPOF class.
Now the universal principle comes into a deeper view as we can see the ectoderm expressing the male principle, the endoderm expressing the feminine principle and the mesoderm expressing the Universal Power of Love that ignites and unifies these creative forces of life. This expression of love is comparable to the connective tissue of the body. The love attracts, weaves and binds the feminine and masculine forces of life into physical form. No life form in creation exists without the union of the male and female. This is a Universal Law.
In meditation I felt the pure nature, the song, the signature, the essence of each layer, and also became aware of the incoherence waiting to be healed. As I attuned to this, I felt our potential to be more unified with life, with the Universe. I saw the potential and new possibilities. I was inspired to work with these fundamental layers of the body and clear dissonant frequencies which could affect our body consciousness and its physical design. We are enabling ourselves to realign to the true design of our body template.
I could see that any remaining incoherent information of our mothers and fathers and our ancestors could be woven into the very structure of our bodies in utero. This creates a subtle physical incoherence in the body tissue. It then could attract lower resonant thought forms and information that can keep us in alignment to lower beliefs and survival strategies remaining from our family and culture. As we align into a spectrum of lower thought and subsequent patterning, we often believe that these thoughts are us. It can be difficult for us to discern. This dilemma can keep us bound to a false world view and a painful reality of disconnect, rather than Universal Love. We are changing this.
The neural crest is a lineage of cells designed to enable us to react to danger and ensure survival. It is an expression of the male principle. When we are in utero, we inherit and embody our ancestral survival strategies, physically and emotionally. The neural crest cells infiltrate and design patterns and reflexes that empower and ensure that we are ready to defend and be equipped to fight if need be. The neural crest can also ensure that we will be able to protect ourselves from feeling our deepest fears and feelings by armoring our bodies and anesthetizing our feelings. It becomes clear how the importance of survival has taken precedence over our evolution and has inhibited our ability to trust in love.
We are programmed to find a false sense of safety in an unsafe world. Anger may seem to be a friend. It can seem so natural to spontaneously be defensive and aggressive as we protect ourselves, and we might also feel we are justified and right. But, is this our true nature? Healing the neural crest is a huge transformation that can shift us from fear to trust.
Addressing the language center is a unique and important step towards accessing peace of mind.
By working with the language center, we meet the narrator, the voice within that always has something to say, and has stories that it insists on obsessively telling over and over. We might call this monkey mind. We may notice that the voice has strong opinions, judgements and enjoys or needs to be right. As we engage with the consciousness of this voice we begin to heal the incessant thinking and the obsessive thoughts that can continually keep us in a dream state that is ongoing day and night. Once lost in our dreams, we are not present in life.
We are distracting ourselves from life as we unconsciously listen to the words and watch the ongoing streaming pictures that are always reflecting on the screen of our minds. We can experience and live the feelings of our stories as life itself.. We can stop the dreaming and the incessant thoughts and reinstate our trust and connection that realigns us with our higher mind. It begins to become more and more clear that we are not our thoughts.
We will meet the Wernicke, which is male in nature. This is the part of the language center that processes and organizes all of our thoughts. It is often stressed and overwhelmed, sometimes depressed, or exhausted as it struggles to organize all of the information that is constantly coming its way. Then comes the challenge to make sense of it all.
We will then meet the feminine aspect of our language center, the Broca. She expresses the thoughts organized by the Wernicke. This relationship often mirrors once again the disconnect between our inner male and female. Connecting to each one and unifying them is a huge transformation for it can bring a deep peace of mind that frees us from lower, distracting realms of thought. We are free to redesign our lives. To understand the depths, it has to be experienced and embodied.
If this class touches you, if you are called to make this paradigm shift, then please join me February 28, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Class Hours:
Registration: 8:30 a.m. First day
Class: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Last Day: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Times are subject to change.
Bring comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Some of these approaches require touching exposed skin, we encourage you to bring a bath towel, lab clothes, and appropriate undergarments so that you are comfortable.
Short fingernails are required for some techniques.
Due to the potential chemical sensitivities of your classmates, please refrain from wearing perfumes or oils to class.
Please call the Institute at 480-999-0808 if you are able to bring a massage or treatment table.
EXPECTED: Contact Continuing Education (CE) Hours Total: 24 CEUs (NCBTMB)
Price: $950
CHI-Pak: $750
Repeat: $475
If this is your first class (intro class) with us, contact Student Services to see if a $200 discount applies to you.
Cancellation Policy:
Tuition Transfer: The tuition is fully transferable up to 7 days before the start of the class.
Within 7 days, a $150.00 administrative fee will apply.
Tuition Refund: Tuition refund requests must be made in writing. Emails are acceptable. Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days before the start of the class, after which your tuition is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, any requests for a refund later than 30 days before class starts, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Seats are limited. Reserve today: 480-999-0808 or [email protected]
For any other inquiries, contact [email protected]