I am writing what might be called a "testimonial" to positively RAVE about and endorse the value of Alaya Chikly's Heart-Centered Therapy curriculum (HCT); I just took HCT1 up in Boise and am eager to sign up for HCT2. As you know, I've been in the Upledger loop for a l-o-n-g time: you know how much I Iove the work, respect what it can do, and how superb it is that CST combines well with Visceral Manipulation and other "modalities" under the IAHE umbrella.
One of the questions on the eval form we completed on day 4 addresses "techniques" taught that we might find valuable. HCT is so much more than technique. It is blessedly SIMPLE, and so very profound and far-reaching in its gentle application. I can't wait to blend it in with the other ways of work I use, "proper tool for the proper job" and so forth -- but clearing the dissonant energies of long-held and limiting family patterns out of our precious bodies makes SUCH a difference in terms of the ease, grace, and joy we can experience every single day of our lives and share with others.
The sacred is always simple. Complexity is the realm of the ego. Of course, we need both head intelligence and heart intelligence. Coming to the head intelligence with the truly OPEN heart, however, makes living and learning so much easier and happier! I would not hesitate to say that Alaya's Heart-Centered Therapy is truly sacred work. I am filled withg gratitude to have it braiding into my own life and work.
I may be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if Alaya's own sweetness and gentleness, her non-pushiness, has perhaps led to HCT's being a bit less emphasized as a significant part of the IAHE curriculum. I am going to make it one of my own intentions, with my Study Groups and ongoing participation in CST and VM classes, to speak of the value of Heart-Centered Therapy..