International Classes

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For All Information Regarding International Classes, Please Contact the Class Sponsor Directly.
CHI Does Not Administer International Classes.

All classes are in English with a translator, except when another information is given.
Some classes are hosted by osteopathic organizations. These organizations may require participants to be osteopaths or PTs in order to attend.
Code: LDT2
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDT2 Thu. Mar 27th - Sun. Mar 30th, 2025 - Taipei, Tawian - Sponsored

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Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Thu, 03/27/2025 - Sun, 03/30/2025
Code: LDT1
Pre-Requisites: None
Instructor: Paula Gurak
Country: Puerto Rico
Sponsor: Carmen Rivera

LDT1 Thu. Apr 3rd - Sun. Apr 6th, 2025 - San Juan, PR - SPONSORED

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
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Class Schedule: Thu, 04/03/2025 - Sun, 04/06/2025
Code: LDT1
Pre-Requisites: None
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Sponsor: Pakavalee Poomsu-tat

LDT1 Mon. May 5th - Thu. May 8th, 2025 - Bangkok, Thailand - Sponosred

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Mon, 05/05/2025 - Thu, 05/08/2025
Code: B2
Pre-Requisites: B1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Sponsor: Pakavalee Poomsu-tat

B2 Sat. May 10th - Mon. May 12th, 2025 - Bangkok, Thailand - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Sat, 05/10/2025 - Mon, 05/12/2025
Code: BMTA
Pre-Requisites: B1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Thailand
City: Bangkok
Sponsor: Pakavalee Poomsu-tat

BMTA Wed. May 14th - Fri. May 16th, 2025 - Bangkok, Thailand - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
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Class Schedule: Wed, 05/14/2025 - Fri, 05/16/2025
Code: VT-O
Pre-Requisites: None
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

VT Friday, June 6th, 2025 - Taipei, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Fri, 06/06/2025
Code: B1
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

B1 Thu. Jun 12 - Sun. Jun 15th, 2025 - Taipei, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Thu, 06/12/2025 - Sun, 06/15/2025
Code: B2
Pre-Requisites: B1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

B2 Tue. Jun 17th - Thu. Jun 19th, 2025 - Taipei, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Tue, 06/17/2025 - Thu, 06/19/2025
Code: LDT3
Pre-Requisites: LDT2
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDT3 Sun. Jun 21st - Tue. Jun 24th, 2025 - Taipei, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Sat, 06/21/2025 - Tue, 06/24/2025
Code: LDT1
Pre-Requisites: None
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: Singapore
Sponsor: Kheng Chua

LDT1 Sat. Jul 5th - Tue. Jul 8th, 2025 - SINGAPORE - SPONSORED

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Sat, 07/05/2025 - Tue, 07/08/2025
Code: LDT2
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: Singapore
Sponsor: Kheng Chua

LDT2 Thu. Jul 10th - Sun. Jul 13th, 2025 - SINGAPORE - SPONSORED

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Thu, 07/10/2025 - Sun, 07/13/2025
Code: LDT3
Pre-Requisites: LDT2
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: Singapore
Sponsor: Kheng Chua

LDT3 Tue. Jul 15th - Fri. Jul 18th, 2025 - SINGAPORE - SPONSORED

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Tue, 07/15/2025 - Fri, 07/18/2025
Code: LDV Th-Abd
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: Taiwan
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDV-TA Thu. Sep 4th - Sat. Sep 6th, 2025 - Taipai, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Thu, 09/04/2025 - Sat, 09/06/2025
Code: LDV Abd-Pelv
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: Taiwan
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDV-AP Sun. Sep 7th - Tue. Sep 9th, 2025 - Taipai, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Sun, 09/07/2025 - Tue, 09/09/2025
Code: LDT1
Pre-Requisites: None
Instructor: Robin Devine
Country: China
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDT1 Fri. Sep 12th - Mon. Sep 15th, 2025 - Shanghai, China - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Fri, 09/12/2025 - Mon, 09/15/2025
Code: LDT2
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Paula Gurak
Country: Puerto Rico
Sponsor: Carmen Rivera

LDT2 Thu. Oct 2nd - Sun. Oct 5th, 2025 - San Juan, PR - SPONSORED

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Thu, 10/02/2025 - Sun, 10/05/2025
Code: B3
Pre-Requisites: B2 or B2-O
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Sponsor: Cheng Poh Tan

B3 Wed. Oct 15th - Fri. Oct 17th, 2025 - Sydney, AUS - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Wed, 10/15/2025 - Fri, 10/17/2025
Code: LDT2
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Australia
City: Sydney
Sponsor: Cheng Poh Tan

LDT2 Sun. Oct 19th - Wed. Oct 22nd, 2025 - Sydney, AUS - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Sun, 10/19/2025 - Wed, 10/22/2025
Code: LDT1
Pre-Requisites: None
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taichung
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDT1 Sat. Nov 8th - Tue. Nov 11th, 2025 - Taichung, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Sat, 11/08/2025 - Tue, 11/11/2025
Code: LDT2
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taichung
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LDT2 Thu. Nov 13th - Sun. Nov 16th, 2025 - Taichung, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Thu, 11/13/2025 - Sun, 11/16/2025
Pre-Requisites: LDT1
Instructor: Beverly Cook
Country: Taiwan
City: Taipei
Sponsor: Kenny Hsaio

LCFS-FM Tue. Nov 18th - Thu. Nov 20th, 2025 - Taipei, Taiwan - Sponsored

Click on the above class name for information about this specific class (accommodations, required pre-study, etc.)
Registration Taken by Sponsor.
Click on the above class name for general information about this class
Class Schedule: Tue, 11/18/2025 - Thu, 11/20/2025