Class Code

You will be amazed to learn how the tongue and larynx are related to so many structures in the body. You will be surprised just how many of your patients can benefit from these techniques, how many people are affected in the adult population.

Many people suffer from trauma to the larynx/pharynx.  It can come from voice overuse, direct trauma, strangulation, surgery, intubation e.g. during general anesthesia, ventilators, chronic laryngitis/bronchitis/mediastinitis, swallowing or breathing conditions, etc.
Tongue-tie or ankyloglossia is a condition described as having a prevalence of 5% in the general population. But because there is no standardized test or approved grading system the number may be much higher.

Many of your adult or child patients/clients can suffer from symptoms that can be alleviated from the tongue-tie protocol including headaches, neck/shoulder/upper extremity tightness, fatigue, pain/soreness, forward head posture, speech problems, feeding problems, mouth breathing, sleep apnea, teeth grinding (bruxism), crowded teeth, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunctions, reflux, aerophagia, etc.

Your clients may fail to mention some of these issues as they may have accepted these issues as normal or believe there is nothing they can do about it.

In this online mini-course, you will learn to assess ankyloglossia and to work with the three constrictor muscles, the epiglottis, the hyoid, the cricoid, the thyroid cartilage, the corniculate and arytenoid cartilages, the tracheal rings, the SCM, and the esophagus in a specific protocol.

Some techniques have been shown in the cervical part of LDV Th-Abd (LDT Applications to Viscera Thorax-Abdomen).  Many new important information is given.


Conflict of Interest: All classes presented by Chikly Health Institute have no financial conflict of interest.

CHI is not sponsored by outside organizations or corporations.

Please read "Our Policies" for more information:

It is a 4 Hours class

There are NO CEU's for this class.

Manual Therapist

Please be familiar with the names and anatomical descriptions of common structures such as:

Pharynx, larynx, hyoid bone, thyroid cartilage, cricoid cartilage, arytenoid cartilages, corniculate cartilages, vocal ligament (cords) tracheal rings, trachea (cervical, thoracic), esophagus (cervical, thoracic, abdominal), constrictor muscles, diaphragm, tongue-tie/ankyloglossia.

Price: $200

Repeat: $100

Chikly Health Institute

My son and husband are singers, and I work on them, they feel a huge difference.  They are very much able to shift their voices from high to low, it used to strain them and now they don't even get hoarse anymore.  This is after 4 - 5 hours of singing.

Thanks a ton.

Y. W., BCBA, LBA, MS Education, BA Nutrition Science, Craniosacral Therapy, Brain, NM, Lymphatic Drainage, RMT Provider, Reflex integration, AIT, Mercier Therapy
Chikly Health Institute

We are so grateful that the Chikly Institute has seamlessly adapted by bringing their cutting edge classes to students worldwide via online webinars, without sacrificing quality and in-depth instruction.  Bruno and Alaya's breakthrough work in both manual and emotional therapy is pivotable to the integrative care and techniques we bring to our patients, and thanks to the quality of their online classes, we can continue expanding our skills even during these trying times.

Michael Allen MD, Linda Lazar Allen CAMT. Center for Living Health
Chikly Health Institute

During the vocal cord class (VT), I discovered that my inferior laryngeal recurrent nerve was stuck around the arch of the aorta.  (I have had HTN since I was 13 years old.  Had surgery with intubation at age 7. )  Freed up the nerve and during activity of lifting felt the cinched aorta open up.  My blood pressure has dramatically improved.  Down to one drug from 2.  Now only on an ACE inhibitor.  Of interest, even on the drugs, my blood pressure was elevated to mild hypertension.  Now the diastolic in normal!!!!  Thank you Bruno.



Luanne Olson, DPT
Chikly Health Institute

I wanted to take this class as my first exposure to the Chikly Institute, and I enjoyed this very much. My neck ROM has increased as well (I have a mild tongue tie). Thank you! 

Planning on Lymph 1 in Florida this fall.

Sydney Kranz, LMBT (NC)
Chikly Health Institute

I practiced these techniques on my brother and my husband during the class.  My brother has increased range of motion, more comfort in his throat and is able to breathe more deeply.  My husband feels much more relaxed, his shoulders are less elevated, his throat feels more open and he is breathing more deeply. 

Thank you. 

Ann House MOT, OTR/L Occupational Therapist
Chikly Health Institute

Dr Chikly’s course on voice dysfunctions brought some of my previous training and new skills together. I am now able to treat soft tissue dysfunction that may impact voice dysfunction and tongue-tie in a systematic way.  Thank you for another excellent course.

Betsey, LMT
Pre- and Post-Treatment: Voice Dysfunctions, Larynx/Pharynx, Tongue-Tie/Ankyloglossia (OVT)
Dr Chikly talks About the Course: Voice Dysfunctions, Larynx/Pharynx, Tongue-Tie/Ankyloglossia (VT).
Dr Chikly talks About the Course: Voice Dysfunctions, Larynx/Pharynx, Tongue-Tie/Ankyloglossia (OVT)