Fluid Articular Release-Upper (FAR-U) - Orthopedic LDT

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This wonderful class will teach students to use a specific synovial fluid rhythm to release restrictions specific to all body articulations, including "fused" embryological articulations.

This material has been successfully taught for over 20 years in the lymph curriculum and has no prerequisite.

B2: Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS - Fluid Dynamics and Fascia Release of the CNS

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B2: Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS - Fluid Dynamics and Fascia Release of the CNSBrain 2 teaches the form, function, and response mechanisms of the brain's various components and offers hands-on techniques to effectively release many primary restrictions that can affect the whole body.

Brain 1 (B1): Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & Autonomic Nervous System

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The Brain Therapy Curriculum is an advanced-level course that takes us to the next realm of manual therapy. It explores the brain, spinal cord, white matter, grey matter, and also in this level brain nuclei such as corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, indusium griseum, fornix, thalamus, globus pallidus, amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem, cerebellum, etc.

Heart Centered Therapy 2 (HCT2): Touching from the Heart - Foundations of Your Health, Conception Through Birth

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HCT2 addresses and treats physical restrictions related to trauma that may have occurred in each stage of development in utero and during pregnancy.  

This is mirrored and addressed down to a cellular, organ, and fascia level. 

They learn to follow the physical guidance of the body with confidence and gentleness and help ensure the safe environment needed for the client’s tissue to relax and entrust the manual therapy process.