Class Hours:
Registration: 8:30 a.m. First day
Class: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Last Day: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Times are subject to change.
Class Description:
This wonderful class will teach students to use a specific synovial fluid rhythm to release restrictions specific to all body articulations, including "fused" embryological articulations.
This material has been successfully taught for over 20 years in the lymph curriculum and has no prerequisite.
- Learn how to release joints in the body in a non-invasive manner.
Learn articulation fluid release techniques for:
- Peripheral (appendicular) articulations: upper extremity from acromioclavicular joint and clavicle to the hand articulations - embryological structures
- Two types of rib cage articulations – sternum and embryological structures
- Spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx – intervertebral, facets (zygapophyseal), and embryological articulations
These techniques use fluid and are gentle and can be applied with ease and great success to babies, elderly, and even animal.
When the bony framework is out of place numerous types of pathologies can happen from pain, dysfunction, discomfort, asymmetry/misalignment, range of motion abnormalities, tissue/tone changes, affecting the muscles, fascia, viscera, or bones themselves.
A wide range of pathologies can be associated with joint dysfunction and may be alleviated by these techniques, including:
- Musculoskeletal pain in general
- Neck pain
- Some headache, dizziness, or vertigo
- Joint pain such as shoulder pain, elbow pain, wrist pain, etc.
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Treatment of accidents and injuries, including some whiplash
- Work injuries
- Sport injuries
- Repetitive stress injury (RSI), joint or muscle overuse
- Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
- Some gastrointestinal disorders (somato-visceral reflex)
- Some nerve entrapment
- Stress, general vitality, and well being
Embryological articulations assessed and released during FAR-U classes:
- Metopic suture
- Symphysis menti
- Vertical sternal bars
- Sternebrae
- Posterior neural arch of vertebrae, centrum, and other articulations
- Diaphysis/epiphysis of extremities
These techniques use fluid and are non-invasive and can be applied with ease and great success to babies, elderly, and even animal.
Bring comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Some of these approaches require touching exposed skin. We encourage you to bring a bath towel, lab clothes, and appropriate undergarments to be comfortable.
Short fingernails are required for some techniques.
Due to the potential chemical sensitivities of your classmates, please refrain from wearing perfumes or oils to class.
Please let the institute know if you can bring a treatment table.
Cancellation Policy:
Tuition Transfer: The tuition is fully transferable up to 30 days before the start of the class.
Within 14 days, a $200 administrative fee will apply.
Within seven (7) days, there is no refund of the deposit.
Tuition Refund: Tuition refund requests must be made in writing. Emails are acceptable. Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days before the start of the class, after which your tuition is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, any requests for a refund later than 30 days before class starts will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Seats are limited. Reserve today: : 480-999-0808 or [email protected]
For any other inquiries, contact [email protected]
Hunt Vitality Chiropractic & Wellness Center
830 Zion St.
Nevada City, CA 95959
Local Airbnb's and hotels.
Review the following plates in Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy (1st Edition Netter=1E, 2nd Edition Netter=2E, 3rd Edition Netter=3E, 4th Edition Netter=4E)
- Periosteum
- Sternum, manubrium, xiphoid process, sternochrondral and chondrocostal articulation of thorax
- Costovertebral and costotransverse articulation, intervertebral and zygapophyseal articulations (facettes)
- Spinous and transverse processes
- Odontoid of C2, atlanto-odontoidal articulation, alar ligament
- Cranial bones and structures: frontal bone, parietal bone, temporal bone, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone external occipital protuberance (inion)
- Cranial sutures: coronal, sagittal, parieto-temporal, parieto-occipital (occipito-mastoid), lambdoid, metopic suture
- Facial and cervical bones: mandible, maxilla, palatine bone, zygomatic bone, nasal bone, lacrimal bone, symphysis menti, hyoid bone greater and lesser cornu. 2E=1,3E=2,4E=2, 2E=49,3E=51,4E=55
- Bones and articulations of the upper extremities, shoulder, scapula, clavicle, acromion, humerus, coracoid, epicondyle, radius, ulna, MCP (metacarpophalangeal). 2E=231,3E=342,4E=354