Class Title
B2: Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS - Fluid Dynamics and Fascia Release of the CNS
Class Path

B2: Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS - Fluid Dynamics and Fascia Release of the CNS

Choroid Plexi: Dr Chikly Practical Demonstration
Treatment of Dry Eyes, Cornea, Vitreous Chambers, Meninges, Metopic Suture by Dr Chikly - BEMC class.
Working with the Dural Membranes using Curved Biotensegrity - Cerebellar Peduncles. B Chikly, MD, DO.
Main Parts of the CNS. From the DVD "Dissection of the Human Brain and Spinal Cord", by Dr. Chikly.
What Condition Causes Scarring/Thickening of Intracranial Meninges Felt at Palpation? Dr Chikly B.
Noninvasive Treatment of Scoliosis: The Spinal Cord. Brain 2 Technique from Bruno Chikly, MD, DO.
Guidelines for a Non-Smoking Protocol using Lymph (LDT) & Brain Techniques by Bruno Chikly.
Chikly Health Institute

"I have lived more than half of my life with scoliosis and constant discomfort. After over a decade of chiropractic, physical therapy, and many other forms of relief I met Bruno Chikly. With only three sessions, Bruno was able to take away the pain in my back and straighten my spine in ways I never thought possible. I can actually feel the bones in my spine, like a normal back, whereas before I was not able to at all. Before the work that Bruno did on my back I was seeing a chiropractor about twice a week. Now, I have not seen one in over a month and I have never felt better."

Jojo C, AZ, 20 years old.
Chikly Health Institute

I would like to thank you so much for the brain treatment. It has been gradually taking effect over the past week and a half. I have noticed distinct improvements in memory recall, calculation, and thinking speed. I feel the best I have in quite a few years.  Since my bike accident I have felt quite flat - neither happy or really sad - so having my sense of humor back is also a big is the best help I've had with the cognitive and emotional injuries since at least 7 years ago.

Scott C, DO
Chikly Health Institute

The class was great. Just to think that you could located, feel and then treat such specific parts of the brain was wonderful. Everyone who works with individuals who present with any type of brain damage should take this class. I have used it for all of the children that I work with and it has produced some fantastic changes in a short period of time. I highly recommend B1 for all practitioners.

Mable Sharp
Chikly Health Institute

This is the best class I ever take in 20 years taking all sorts of hands-on seminars.

Robin Walpert
Chikly Health Institute

This is an extraordinary class. Dr Chikly has developed a profound method of releasing trauma from tissue anywhere in the body (including brain trauma). The technique is subtle, gentle and very harmonizing for the client.

Robert H. Weiner
Chikly Health Institute

This course is so important to me that I repeated it in December ’06.

The content is key to healing and Dr. Chikly is key in explaining and demonstrating it.

Dr. Chikly has a special way of communicating the curriculum which is precise and professional while at the same time humorous and personal.

Alaya Chikly is a special and essential addition to the class, providing guided meditations and other less traditional exercises which varied the presentation and opened the minds of the students to new and more expansive ways of perceiving this unique and useful material.

There is no question in my mind that this work is an important part of what I do daily with the people who come to see me for help with a wide variety of health issues. There is no way I would ever give up what I have learned from Dr. Chikly, nor could I envision my practice without it. I am deeply indebted to the Chikly’s for their skill as pedagogs and their care and precision as research scientists. I plan to continue with B2 and future courses which the Chikly’s develop

Jane Shepard, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

B1 was one of the best courses I assisted in my last 17 years. Dr. Chikly covered thoroughly both the structural and the functional anatomy of the brain. It was a solid, precise and fascinating information. I consider this class indispensable to practitioners of any advanced modality. It should be a pre-requirement to high level therapists training. I’m using the many tools learned in B1 in almost all my patients, and being delighted with the results. The functional modifications of the brain are happening at deeper level and faster pace. The techniques learned in B1 classes became true blessings to my little handicapped patients.

Shanna Ringel, DOM, CST-D

B2: Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & RAS - Fluid Dynamics and Fascia Release of the CNSBrain 2 teaches the form, function, and response mechanisms of the brain's various components and offers hands-on techniques to effectively release many primary restrictions that can affect the whole body.