Class Title
Brain 1 (B1): Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & Autonomic Nervous System
Class Path

Brain 1 (B1): Brain Tissue, Nuclei, Fluid & Autonomic Nervous System

PT Treatment of Severe Ankle Fractures and Post-Surgical Scars Using Lymph 1, Brain1, FAR, HCT, etc.
Overview of the Brain 1 Course by Dr Chikly, MD, DO (USA)
Noninvasive Treatment of Scoliosis: The Spinal Cord. Brain 1 Technique from Bruno Chikly, MD, DO
Dr. Chikly & Brain Therapy: Entering New Frontiers in Manual Therapy
Susan Diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimer Talks about Dr Bruno Chikly's Brain Therapy
Pre-Requisites for the Brain Level 1 class (B1): Explanations by Dr Chikly.
Dr. Chikly Overview of Brain 1 Techniques and Application to Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
Main Parts of the CNS. From the DVD "Dissection of the Human Brain and Spinal Cord", by Dr. Chikly.
Which Chikly Health Institute Course Should I Start With?
Overview of Brain Therapy and Cranial Techniques. Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, LMT.
Perci K., NCBTMB Board Certified, Certification from the Board of Nursing in Virginia

"It is an honor and a privilege to be a student with Bruno and Alaya Chikly and the Chikly Health Institute.
As a veteran therapist (37 years) and a continuing ed course junkie, I can say with total conviction that CHI is by far the best; the best teachers, cutting edge material, and the most enjoyable experiences."

Perci K., NCBTMB Board Certified, Certification from the Board of Nursing in Virginia
Chikly Health Institute

I have been a cranial therapist for more than 25 years. Being introduced to Dr. Chikly's cranial work has opened my eyes to unexpected levels and dimensions I had not been aware of in this field.  Integrating these in-depth techniques into my cranial practice is giving me an edge of excellence I never thought possible.

Marybeth W., PT
Chikly Health Institute

Prior to seeing to Dr. Bruno our son (5 years old) was experiencing elongated tantrums, sensory issues and an inability to focus on simple tasks and in social settings.   Chase was evaluated by a local therapist in our area and was diagnosed with a brain imbalance.  In seeking treatment, our family elected to travel to Arizona to work with Dr. Bruno as opposed to enrolling in a 6 month program with the local therapist, who's cost was $13,000.  After just 3 sessions with Dr.Bruno over the course of 7 days, we began to see immediate results and positive changes in my son's day-to-day behavior, attitude and personality.  We continue to work with my son on a daily basis utilizing the exercise program that Dr. Bruno prepared for him and feel blessed to have found a non-pharmaceutical treatment method to aid in his mental development.  We continually hear from friends, family, teachers and classmates how much our son has developed over the past year and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and work with Dr. Bruno.

Chris W., Senior Managing Director, Newport Beach, CA, 92660
Chikly Health Institute

I would like to thank you so much for the brain treatment. It has been gradually taking effect over the past week and a half. I have noticed distinct improvements in memory recall, calculation, and thinking speed. I feel the best I have in quite a few years.  Since my bike accident I have felt quite flat - neither happy or really sad - so having my sense of humor back is also a big is the best help I've had with the cognitive and emotional injuries since at least 7 years ago.

Scott C, DO
Chikly Health Institute

The class was great. Just to think that you could located, feel and then treat such specific parts of the brain was wonderful. Everyone who works with individuals who present with any type of brain damage should take this class. I have used it for all of the children that I work with and it has produced some fantastic changes in a short period of time. I highly recommend B1 for all practitioners.

Mable Sharp
Chikly Health Institute

This is the best class I ever take in 20 years taking all sorts of hands-on seminars.

Robin Walpert
Chikly Health Institute

This is an extraordinary class. Dr Chikly has developed a profound method of releasing trauma from tissue anywhere in the body (including brain trauma). The technique is subtle, gentle and very harmonizing for the client.

Robert H. Weiner

The Brain Therapy Curriculum is an advanced-level course that takes us to the next realm of manual therapy. It explores the brain, spinal cord, white matter, grey matter, and also in this level brain nuclei such as corpus callosum, septum pellucidum, indusium griseum, fornix, thalamus, globus pallidus, amygdala, hippocampus, brainstem, cerebellum, etc.