Class Code

This wonderful class will teach students to use a specific synovial fluid to release restrictions specific to all body articulations, including "fused" embryological articulations.

This material has been successfully taught for over 20 years in the lymph curriculum and has no prerequisite.

Learn articulation fluid release techniques for the:

  • Peripheral (appendicular) articulations: lower extremity from the hip to the foot articulations - embryological structures
  • Pelvis: articulations of the sacrum, pubic symphysis, superior pubic ramus, iliac crest, sacro-iliac and Iliolumbar joint, and embryological structures

Some material from the upper body will be introduced in this class:
Intra-oral articulations: zygoma, premaxilla, maxilla, palatine, pterygoid process, sphenobasilar articulation

  • Face and skull and Associated structures
  • Midline structures of the Skull
  • Zygoma relationship: 5 relationships
  • Sphenoid relationships: 9 relationships
  • Vomer Bone relationships 5 relationships
  • Ethmoid Bone relationships: 6 relationships

When the bony framework is out of place numerous types of pathologies can happen from pain and dysfunction, discomfort, asymmetry/misalignment, range of motion abnormalities, tissue/tone changes, affecting the muscles, fascia, viscera, or bones themselves.

A wide range of pathologies can be associated with joint dysfunction and may be alleviated by these techniques, including:

  • Musculoskeletal pain in general
  • Joint pain such as hip pain, knee pain, foot pain, etc.
  • Low back pain
  • Chronic sciatica
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Treatment of accidents and injuries, including some whiplash
  • Work injuries
  • Sport injuries
  • Repetitive stress injury (RSI), joint or muscle overuse
  • Arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
  • Some gastrointestinal disorders (somato-visceral reflex)
  • Some nerve entrapment
  • Stress, general vitality, and well being


These techniques use fluid and are non-invasive and can be applied with ease and great success to babies, elderly, and even animal.

Class length 3 days
This is an introductory/basic level class.


You will need gloves in this class for the intraoral techniques.


Scientific Facts:

  • Did you know that radiopaque substances injected in human articulations are drained/found a few minutes later in the lymphatic vessels? Lymphatic dysfunction is found in degenerative joint disease. It may begin to explain how lymphatic techniques can help joint release.

- Albuquerque M., De Lima J.P. Articular Lymphoscintigraphy in Human Knees Using Radiolabeled Dextran. Lymphology. 1990, 23, P.215-218.

- Vittas D., Reimann I., Nielsen S.L.. Intraarticular Lymphoscintigraphy of the Human Knee Joint: A Preliminary Study. Lymphology. 1987, 20, P.98-101.


  • Lymphatic vessels are distributed in soft tissues around the joint capsule, ligaments, fat pads, and muscles of normal knees. The number of lymphatic vessels, particularly the number of capillaries, are significantly increased in joints of mice with mild osteoarthritis (OA), while the number of mature lymphatic vessels was markedly decreased in joints of mice with severe OA. OA knees exhibited significantly decreased lymph clearance (manual therapist can help stimulate lymph flow). The number of both capillary and mature lymphatic vessels was significantly decreased in the joints of patients with OA.

- Shi J, Liang Q, Zuscik M, Shen J, et al. Distribution and alteration of lymphatic vessels in knee joints of normal and osteoarthritic mice. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2014 Mar;66(3):657-66. DOI: 10.1002/art.38278. PMID: 24574226


  • There is decreased drainage from the joint during an arthritic flare (manual therapist can help stimulate lymph flow). Alterations in lymphatic flow may be of importance in the fluctuating course observed in chronic inflammatory diseases. In TNF-Tg mice, a model of inflammatory–erosive arthritis, the popliteal lymph node (PLN) enlarges during the pre-arthritic ‘expanding’ phase, and then ‘collapses’ (i.e. reduction in lymph node volume and contrast enhancement) with adjacent knee flare associated with the loss of the intrinsic lymphatic rhythm/pulse.

- Bouta EM, Wood RW, Brown EB, et al. In vivo quantification of lymph viscosity and pressure in lymphatic vessels and draining lymph nodes of arthritic joints in mice. J Physiol. 2014 Mar 15;592(6):1213-23. DOI: 10.1113/jphysiol.2013.266700. Epub 2014 Jan 13. PMID: 2442135


  • Recent studies in mice demonstrated alterations in lymphatics from affected joints precede flares (so possibility of a potential preventative manual therapy).

- Bouta EM, Wood RW, Perry SW, et al. Measuring intranodal pressure and lymph viscosity to elucidate mechanisms of arthritic flare and therapeutic outcomes. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2011 Dec;1240:47-52. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06237.x. PMID: 22172039


  • The lymph generated in RA joints, as well as lymphatic flow, are increased during disease progression and contain significantly elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Manual drainage can help evacuation of these pro-inflammatory molecules.

- Olszewski WL, Pazdur J, Kubasiewicz E, et al. Lymph draining from foot joints in rheumatoid arthritis provides insight into local cytokine and chemokine production and transport to lymph nodes. Arthritis Rheum. 2001;44:541–549.


  • The blockade of lymphangiogenesis at the beginning of arthritis development increased the severity of joint tissue injury. Again, Manual drainage can help drain these joints.

- Guo R, Zhou Q, Proulx ST, et al. Inhibition of lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic drainage via vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 blockade increases the severity of inflammation in a mouse model of chronic inflammatory arthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2009;60:2666–2676.


  • Many studies suggest that there is a direct relationship between lymph flow dysfunction and inflammation. First, loss-of-function studies have shown that inhibition of lymphangiogenesis with anti-VEGFR3 neutralizing antibodies decreases lymphatic flow from the foot and increases the severity of ankle joint inflammation. Secondly, lymphangiogenesis induced via intra-articular injection of recombinant adeno-associated virus that overexpresses VEGF-C, significantly increased lymph flow and reduces inflammation in arthritic joints.

- Zhou Q, Wood R, Schwarz EM, et al. Near-infrared lymphatic imaging demonstrates the dynamics of lymph flow and lymphangiogenesis during the acute versus chronic phases of arthritis in mice. Arthritis Rheum. 2010 Jul;62(7):1881-9. DOI: 10.1002/art.27464. PMID: 20309866


Conflict of Interest: All classes presented by Chikly Health Institute have no financial conflict of interest.

CHI is not sponsored by outside organizations or corporations.

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Contact Continuing Education (CE) Hours Total: 18 CEUs for massage therapists - NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451238-10

NCBTMB CEUs are accepted in every US state for NCBTMB certification renewal.

Most states accept NCBTMB for license renewal but not all. We are also approved for NY state.

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Because certification and license renewal policies vary from state to state, it's important for you to make sure the CEUs are accepted wherever you practice. Therefore, please be aware that this information may not apply in your state.

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• 18 CEU's for OT and OTA by American OT Association (AOTA)

AOTA Provider # 10304

The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.


18 hours approved by the Massage Therapy Association of Manitoba, Canada (MTAM)

18 hours approved by the Certified Registered Massage Therapy Association of Alberta, Canada (CRMTA)


We are in the process of providing Continuing education for numerous other professions.  Please check back to this page later as we will post all updates.

  • Expand your understanding of fluid compartments.

  • Articulation fluid release techniques for:
    - Peripheral (appendicular) articulations: lower extremity from the hip to the foot articulations - embryological structures
    - Pelvis: articulations of the sacrum, pubic symphysis, superior pubic ramus, iliac crest, sacro-iliacand Iliolumbar joint, and embryological structures

  • Some material from the upper body will be introduced in this class:
    - Intra-oral articulations: zygoma, premaxilla, maxilla, palatine, pterygoid process, sphenobasilar articulation
    - Face and skull and Associated structures
    - Zygoma relationship: 5 relationships
    - Sphenoid relationships: 9 relationships
    - Vomer Bone relationships 5 relationships
    - Ethmoid Bone relationships: 6 relationships


  • Lecture
  • Study Guide
  • Question & Answer
  • PowerPoint Slides
  • Demonstration
  • Practice sessions
  • Review


SCHEDULE (Subject to Change)

Day One

8:30                                    Registration

9:00 - 11:00                        Introduction, teachers, students, teaching assistants, and facilitator. Teaching material.

                                           Anatomy and physiology of the articulation fluid rhythm and how it affects posture, range of motion, and body mechanics.

                                           The 3 components of Fluid Articular Release: Practice

                                           Protocol for Fluid Articular Release-Lower


11:00 - 11:15                      Break / group discussion


11:15 - 12:30                      Fluid Articular Release in the lower extremity and release of its embryological articulations: hip


12:30 - 2:00                        Lunch


2:00 - 3:30                          Fluid Articular Release in the lower extremity and release of its embryological articulations: knee


3:30 - 3:45                          Break / group discussion


3:45 - 5:30                          Fluid Articular Release in the lower extremity and release of its embryological articulations: foot


Day Two

9:00 -9:30                           Questions and answers

                                            Case studies


9:30-11:00                          Fluid Articular Release in the sacrum and release of its embryological articulations


11:00 - 11:15                      Break / group discussion


11:15 - 12:30                      Fluid Articular Release in the pubic ramus, iliac crest, and release of its embryological articulations


12:30 - 2:00                        Lunch


2:00 - 3:00                          Fluid Articular Release in the sacroiliac and iliolumbar joints


3:00 - 3:30                          Fluid Articular Release in the cranium vault in general


3:30 - 3:45                          Break / group discussion


3:45 - 4:45                          Fluid Articular Release in the zygoma and release of its embryological articulations


4:45 – 5:30                         Fluid Articular Release in the sphenoid


 Day Three

9:00 - 10:30                        Questions and answers

                                            Fluid Articular Release in the ethmoid and vomer


10:30 - 10:45                      Break / group discussion


10: 45 - 12:45                     Intraosseous approach


12:45 - 2:00                        Lunch


2:00 - 3:30                          Intraosseous approach

                                           Take home protocol.

                                           Final questions and answers.

                                           Self-Reflection and identification of changes for practitioner’s practice.


 FAR-L OBJECTIVES (Subject to Change)

- By the end of the 1st-day participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person the 3 components of the Fluid Articular Release

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of a specific articulation of the lower extremity

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of an embryologic articulation of the lower extremity

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of an embryologic articulation of the sacrum

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of the sacroiliac articulation

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of a pelvic articulation

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of an embryologic articulation of the pelvis

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of a regular articulation of the cranium vault

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of an embryologic articulation of the cranial vault

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of the sphenoid

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of the zygoma

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of the ethmoid

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release a dysfunction of the vomer

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release an intraosseous dysfunction of a femur

- By the end of the course participants will be able to correctly demonstrate on a live person how to release an intraosseous dysfunction of a tibia


A manual therapist with a healthcare license

Pre-Requisite Class: None

LDT1 is suggested if you need to heighten your palpation skills and attune to inner fluid rhythms.

Review plates in Netter's Atlas of Human Anatomy (1st Edition Netter=1E, 2nd Edition Netter=2E, 3rd Edition Netter=3E, 4th Edition Netter=4E)

  • Periosteum
  • Peripheral (appendicular) articulations: lower extremity from the hip to the foot articulations - embryological structures
  • Pelvis: articulations of the sacrum, pubic symphysis, superior pubic ramus, iliac crest, sacro-iliacand Iliolumbar joint, and embryological structures
  • Intra-oral articulations: zygoma, premaxilla, maxilla, palatine, pterygoid process, sphenobasilar articulation
  • Bones of the Face and Skull and Associated structures, including Zygoma, Sphenoid, Vomer, Ethmoid 

Price: $950

Registration Discount: $750

This is a class with no CHI class prerequisites. If you have never taken a class with CHI, you are invited to receive a $200 discount ($750) for this class if paid in full 45 days before the class start date.
(If the class is not paid in full 45 days before the start of class, the rate automatically goes up to $950)

For all other participants, you can receive the $750 discounted price by using your CHI-Pak or by registering and making a minimum deposit of $200 at a prior CHI class and pay the balance in full 45 days before the class start date.

Repeat: $475



Chikly Health Institute


Wonderful unique techniques! Quick and easy. Very effective! Thank you for all you do Dr Chikly!

Joanne W, SI, CST
Chikly Health Institute


So thankful for Dr. Chikly’s classes! What a gift to be able to have these teachings directly from Bruno himself and to be online. He generously answers all questions and I am amazed at how much I can learn online. The techniques he teaches are original, efficient and incredibly effective. They have changed my life and my clients’ lives.

Anjali Brannon, Ayurvedic Health Practitioner, Polarity and Craniosacral Therapist and Bodyworker.
Chikly Health Institute


Wonderful techniques. I can't wait to incorporate them in my practice. I know that these techniques will be extremely healing for my clients.


T. Medellin, RN, CST-T
Chikly Health Institute


I am very grateful to the Chikly Institute for its online courses, it allows us to continue learning. The courses are perfectly designed with theory, demonstration and practice. The explanations are very clear. Thank Bruno.



M.L., DO, Argentina
Chikly Health Institute


Chikly’s methods are the future for clinical successes.



Chikly Health Institute

We are so grateful that the Chikly Institute has seamlessly adapted by bringing their cutting edge classes to students worldwide via online webinars, without sacrificing quality and in-depth instruction.  Bruno and Alaya's breakthrough work in both manual and emotional therapy is pivotable to the integrative care and techniques we bring to our patients, and thanks to the quality of their online classes, we can continue expanding our skills even during these trying times.

Michael Allen MD; Linda Lazar Allen CAMT; Center for Living Health
Chikly Health Institute

I am so grateful for the FAR classes, I have been struggling with debilitating back pain to a point where I was considering a career change because I was having pain every single day especially when treating clients. After being the demo model for one of the spine techniques, I haven't had low back pain since and am back to treating normally pain-free!! This class has truly been so life-giving. Not to mention that Robert is just an incredible teacher, so kind, patient, and knowledgeable! I am so grateful to have been in this class.

Stacy Stern, DPT
No Videos or Demos assigned to this class yet!