Chikly Health Institute

I am just recovering from Covid and had no sense of taste or smell.  

I did techniques from Brain 1 including ventricles, hypothalamus, mammillary bodies and the spheno-maxillary joint articulation technique.  I finished with lymph techniques to the neck and face.  As I was working, there was a sudden shift in the congestion of my sinuses and head.  I immediately noticed I had regained some of my sense of smell and taste.

b b1It came back with one treatment and has remained.

Paula Gurak, LMT, MTI, LLCC, CLT
Chikly Health Institute

Amazing class excellent practice. Thank you Dr. Bruno. So worth it retaking classes with you and Alaya. Always something new. 

Minerva, BSb, Mt, Art
Chikly Health Institute

Dr Chikly’s course on voice dysfunctions brought some of my previous training and new skills together. I am now able to treat soft tissue dysfunction that may impact voice dysfunction and tongue-tie in a systematic way.  Thank you for another excellent course.

Betsey, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

I just completed BR, Melissa (my client) is very calm and peaceful for the first time she can remember in her life and for the first time since her foot drop surgery, as a response to her total hip replacement surgery, she is able to walk with her left foot forward first, with a stable gait pattern and rotation through the hips!

David Ebel, PT
Chikly Health Institute

My client who had scoliosis spinal fusion surgery and is fused from C7 to sacrum and head moved left to right and diagonally with titanium rods. The right side had tension in all three directions and the left a downward pull to the spine. After the release in Brain Therapy 2 (B2), she no longer feels the hardware pulling and the neck feels softer. She also feels more stability in her gait. Her head feels straighter and more natural. Her neck and head do not feel as locked in as before. She feels the change is very dramatic.


Lois Harrison, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

I had one of the most profound, deeply inspired, loving, fun class ever.  I am very grateful.

Lupita Hernandez, LMT - California, USA
Chikly Health Institute

As an occupational therapist, lymphatic drainage therapy is one of my most important tools. I use it for many different conditions including hand therapy, post surgical recovery, scar treatment, pain, swelling, arthritis, back and neck conditions and lymphedema. Lymph is the fluid of life which I am able to enhance with my clients. This book is an important addition to the scientific literature.

Liz Blum, OTR
Chikly Health Institute

The HCT process is an astounding recognition that the heart itself, has a level of intelligence that is so far reaching, powerful, and so clear as to perceive reality from a whole new vantage point. It is a rush of energy, an exhilaration. When I look out, I understand that heart has eyes and cosmic sight of its own. Its a pure form of intelligence. Nothing in reality is processed the same way again. Its an integration of wisdom that is incredibly beautiful.

Tracey Gisquet, Craniosacral Therapist, Reiki Master, Clairvoyant
Chikly Health Institute

Heart Centered Therapy successfully transforms the multi-generational patterns that keep families unhealthy. I have seen powerful changes occurring with HCT in clients who have failed to make progress through more traditional therapies. Personal relationships can also heal through HCT. People become closer and marriages become more joyful, including my own.”

Peter W. Choate, MSW, Clinical Social Worker, Diplomate, American Psychotherapy Association.
Chikly Health Institute

B1 was one of the best courses I assisted in my last 17 years. Dr. Chikly covered thoroughly both the structural and the functional anatomy of the brain. It was a solid, precise and fascinating information. I consider this class indispensable to practitioners of any advanced modality. It should be a pre-requirement to high level therapists training. I’m using the many tools learned in B1 in almost all my patients, and being delighted with the results. The functional modifications of the brain are happening at deeper level and faster pace. The techniques learned in B1 classes became true blessings to my little handicapped patients.

Shanna Ringel, DOM, CST-D