Chikly Health Institute


Chikly’s methods are the future for clinical successes.



Chikly Health Institute


These techniques are so original, deep, and are not hard to do. They don't take much time to do. It's amazing to be able to help others who have suffered for many years in such a short a time. 


Devorah G., RMT
Chikly Health Institute


The techniques developed by Dr Chikly are powerful, direct, and effective.  



Ilanith Reuven, SLP CST
Chikly Health Institute


I used the HCT work with a client/student of mine today. She absolutely loved it and felt a shift from things she’s been working on for years in therapy! Her comment was “ I feel like I could spend a hundred years in therapy and never come close to what we did in 90 mins” 



Chikly Health Institute

This material is directly relevant to the world right this very minute. As a psychotherapist, I generally work to help clients heal trauma in this life that shows up in present day challenges. This HCT-H work opens the aperture of healing so much wider, to follow present day patterns along the whole trajectory of the soul - bringing the touch of Divine presence into our family systems, and deep into our cells - our very first cells - and to the very DNA that has created us. This work is sacred and profound. Using the protocol to heal and harmonize our ancestral Masculine and Feminine has wide reaching implication, as a cellular level; in healing internal strife; in understanding and balancing personal relationships, and in bringing healing to our divided world. You will not regret this experience.


Donia Henderson, LPC, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

Your class touched me on all levels of my being!! I'm in such awe of what you've created and the levels of awareness you have inspired us to reach!! 

Accessing the divine masculine and feeling it as accommodating supportive structure within, has completely changed the way I know myself today. Vitalizing the divine feminine within the context of the awakened masculine, has enhanced my sense of embodied presence, my true nature and my place within the world. This is huge!! I see your work, in the larger context of the world, supporting the evolution of Unity consciousness, as I know you do as well!!

 I heard you say today you have renewed hope, and I do too!! I so needed the inspiration and the tools you gave us...the ability to change the way we see, so that which we see changes. To have experienced the transformative power of witnessing without judgement has changed me forever! I am motivated to find this experience in my daily life, through self awareness, intentionality and love!!


Jann Jennell, PT
Chikly Health Institute

I wanted to thank you again for teaching, sharing and guiding us/me with the Heart Centered wisdom.  At the end of the day on Sunday I was very connected to the energy that it was "the happiest day of my life" - sweet freedom energy.

I did some journaling and rewriting of my notes each night and last night was able to see the gift of each process and how each day built on the one before it - bringing me in to my perineum (connected to self trust); opening and bringing as sense of ownership to my pleasure pathways(receiving my innocence);  Awareness of being in my spine - new to me sensation (received my heart back); Support of my spine vs collapse ( Balance of masculine and feminine up the spine).


Patti Gehman, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

For me, moving through Alaya’s Heart work impacts all I do, it allows me to take Bruno’s work deeper.


Pete Connolly, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

LDV Th-Abd (LDT Applications to Viscera: Thorax & Abdomen) will give you immediately usable techniques allowing  you to help your clients make profound shifts during your sessions.  This class is a practice game changer! 

Michelle Sanderson, CMT, CLT
Chikly Health Institute

I loved the LDV (LDT Applications to Viscera: Thorax & Abdomen) class.  Dr. Chikly taught us how to palpate the anatomy in 3D, and release the tension within the organ, and in relation to other viscera.   This gentle technique is an advanced skill than even a beginner can learn!!

Lynn Harris, LMBT