Class Title
Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes & General Reflexes in Adults and Children (BR)
Class Path

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Georgia licensed massage therapist, Ellen Maroun, has over 25 years of experience with extensive advanced education in medical massage and osteopathic manual therapy modalities for orthopedics, cancer, neurolocal, pre- and post- operative therapies, and complicated medical histories. She provides her clients with the utmost level of service and focus on clinical outcomes.

Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes & General Reflexes in Adults and Children (BR)

Brain Therapy for Neonatal & General Reflexes (BR): Is There a Neurological Level for Each Reflex?
How Does This Help with Crossing Midline? Brain Therapy for Neonatal & General Reflexes (BR)
ATNR: Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes & General Reflexes (BR) - Dr B. Chikly
Spinal Galant Reflex: Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes & General Reflexes (BR) - Dr B. Chikly
STNR: Brain Therapy for Neonatal Reflexes & General Reflexes (BR) - Dr B. Chikly
Sucking, Rooting & Snout Reflexes - Brain Therapy for Neonatal & General Reflexes (BR) - Dr Chikly
Réflexes néonataux en ostéopathie. Dr Bruno Chikly / Fabien Belin - Ostéopathie et sport. IN FRENCH
Which Chikly Health Institute Course Should I Start With?
Icelandic Handball Team Members 6 Months After Dr Chikly's Neonatal Reflex Integration.
Chikly Health Institute

Prior to seeing to Dr. Bruno our son (5 years old) was experiencing elongated tantrums, sensory issues and an inability to focus on simple tasks and in social settings.   Chase was evaluated by a local therapist in our area and was diagnosed with a brain imbalance.  In seeking treatment, our family elected to travel to Arizona to work with Dr. Bruno as opposed to enrolling in a 6 month program with the local therapist, who's cost was $13,000.  After just 3 sessions with Dr.Bruno over the course of 7 days, we began to see immediate results and positive changes in my son's day-to-day behavior, attitude and personality.  We continue to work with my son on a daily basis utilizing the exercise program that Dr. Bruno prepared for him and feel blessed to have found a non-pharmaceutical treatment method to aid in his mental development.  We continually hear from friends, family, teachers and classmates how much our son has developed over the past year and we are grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and work with Dr. Bruno.

Chris W., Senior Managing Director, Newport Beach, CA, 92660
Chikly Health Institute

As a pediatrician, I regularly check a few reflexes in my patients.  However, Dr Chikly's reflex class  deepened my understanding of the neonatal reflexes, and more importantly, gave me the tools to treat my patients who have negative symptoms because of retained primitive reflexes, right in my office. 

In the past, my only treatment option was to send them to do Brain Gym for 6-24 months and hundreds to thousands of dollars to resolve these retained reflexes.  My patients families are thrilled with the results.

Michael Allen MD
Chikly Health Institute

Bruno Chikly’s work and teachings are amazing and powerful. After spending thousands of dollars on mainstream tutoring and therapies such as reflex integration my daughter made minimal progress. However after 3 sessions with Bruno my daughter made dramatic improvement in areas of reading, writing, attention, motor planning, and executive function skills. I was able to use his teachings for my clients as well and saw significant progress.

Zelda T., M.S. CCC-SLP, LMT
Chikly Health Institute

I work as the director and owner of A Plus Center for around 10 years already.  A Plus Center offers full time and part time programs for kids with autism, where we assimilate every possible modality that was proven to help kids with autism.  Our program includes things as, ABA, Sonrise, Rhythmic movements, reflex integration, craniosacral therapy, NM, Brainwork, diet, etc. etc..... I have been doing reflex integration and rhythmic movements for years, and I have seen reflexes integrate from a time frame of 3 month to a year, years, or never.  With doing it through Brain or cranial, I have seen it integrate in 10 min.  

Y. W., BCBA, LBA, MS Education, BA Nutrition Science, Craniosacral Therapy, Brain, NM, Lymphatic Drainage, RMT Provider, Reflex integration, AIT, Mercier Therapy
Chikly Health Institute

The class was fantastic! Really amazing material! Thank you!!



Chikly Health Institute

We are so grateful that the Chikly Institute has seamlessly adapted by bringing their cutting edge classes to students worldwide via online webinars, without sacrificing quality and in-depth instruction.  Bruno and Alaya's breakthrough work in both manual and emotional therapy is pivotable to the integrative care and techniques we bring to our patients, and thanks to the quality of their online classes, we can continue expanding our skills even during these trying times.

Michael Allen MD, Linda Lazar Allen CAMT. Center for Living Health
Chikly Health Institute

As a seasoned practitioner who is a course junkie, collecting techniques from wonderful mentors.  My favorite techniques are from the Chikly's.  I use them the most often and the people I treat think that I have great hands.  The Chikly's cover both the academic problem solving and the heart.  I couldn’t be happier taking all of their coursework. Thanks to both of them.

Luanne Olson, DPT

This class will address retained and reoccurring neonatal and general reflexes in children and adults.