Class Title
BEMC: Brain, Eyes, Meninges and CSF
Class Path

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Georgia licensed massage therapist, Ellen Maroun, has over 25 years of experience with extensive advanced education in medical massage and osteopathic manual therapy modalities for orthopedics, cancer, neurolocal, pre- and post- operative therapies, and complicated medical histories. She provides her clients with the utmost level of service and focus on clinical outcomes.

BEMC: Brain, Eyes, Meninges and CSF

The Brain Curriculum (BEMC): The Retina - Testimonial
Treatment of Dry Eyes, Cornea, Vitreous Chambers, Meninges, Metopic Suture by Dr Chikly - BEMC class.
Peripheral Vision Reestablished: Dr Chikly's Brain Meninges, Vision and CSF Course (BEMC) in Spanish & English
Working with the Dural Membranes using Curved Biotensegrity - Cerebellar Peduncles. B Chikly, MD, DO.
Main Parts of the CNS. From the DVD "Dissection of the Human Brain and Spinal Cord", by Dr. Chikly.
What Condition Causes Scarring/Thickening of Intracranial Meninges Felt at Palpation? Dr Chikly B.
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In this class, we will cover numerous approaches and techniques for the eyes, the intracranial Meninges, as well as techniques for CSF in three different compartments of the cranium including the glymphatic pathways and the cisterns.


1- First of all, we will help balance the whole CNS then specifically the optic pathways.