Embryologic Planes of Fusion

Class Title
Embryologic Planes of Fusion (EPoF)
Class Path

Embryologic Planes of Fusion (EPoF)

Embryologic Planes of Fusion (EPoF): Face, Organ of Sense, Muscles, Bones, Viscera, etc.
The Infinite Within the Planes of Fusion by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, LMT
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In this class, we will work with different planes of fusion created during the embryonic period.

During embryonic development, there are many instances when two opposing tissues come into contact and fuse to form one continuous structure. This type of tissue fusion occurs during the formation of many organs.

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Georgia licensed massage therapist, Ellen Maroun, has over 25 years of experience with extensive advanced education in medical massage and osteopathic manual therapy modalities for orthopedics, cancer, neurolocal, pre- and post- operative therapies, and complicated medical histories. She provides her clients with the utmost level of service and focus on clinical outcomes.