Class Title
Brain, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow (BCRB)
Class Path

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Georgia licensed massage therapist, Ellen Maroun, has over 25 years of experience with extensive advanced education in medical massage and osteopathic manual therapy modalities for orthopedics, cancer, neurolocal, pre- and post- operative therapies, and complicated medical histories. She provides her clients with the utmost level of service and focus on clinical outcomes.

Brain, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow (BCRB)

Brain, Cranial Rhythm and Bone Marrow Technique (BCRB) & Neuro-Embryological Release of Ligaments (NER-L)
Dr Chikly´s Bone Marrow Technique – Presented in Class: Bone, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow (BCRB)
Bone, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow (BCRB) from the Chikly Health Institute, USA
Fred Shares His Experience With the Class BCRB (Brain, Cranial Rhythm and Bone Marrow)
Which Chikly Health Institute Course Should I Start With?
Robert B, DC, Shares his Experience Taking BCRB (Brain, Cranial Rhythm and Bone Marrow)
Bone, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow (BCRB) from the Chikly Health Institute
Fred talks about Dr Chikly´s Bone Marrow Technique - Bone, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow (BCRB)

"I was in the class Dr Chikly just taught in Phoenix (Brain, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow - BCRB) and I just have to say he is a genius! I can't even believe what I am finding and changing in patients. I can't even put it into words. It's just crazy!! So, thank you!"

Chikly Health Institute

I have been a cranial therapist for more than 25 years. Being introduced to Dr. Chikly's cranial work has opened my eyes to unexpected levels and dimensions I had not been aware of in this field.  Integrating these in-depth techniques into my cranial practice is giving me an edge of excellence I never thought possible.

Marybeth W., PT
Chikly Health Institute

I was in the class Dr Chikly just taught in Phoenix (Brain, Cranial Rhythm & Bone Marrow - BCRB) and I just have to say he is a genius! I can't even believe what I am finding and changing in patients. I can't even put it into words. It's just crazy!! So, thank you!


Chikly Health Institute

As a seasoned practitioner who is a course junkie, collecting techniques from wonderful mentors.  My favorite techniques are from the Chikly's.  I use them the most often and the people I treat think that I have great hands.  The Chikly's cover both the academic problem solving and the heart.  I couldn’t be happier taking all of their coursework. Thanks to both of them.

Luanne Olson, DPT
Chikly Health Institute

My friend had double carpal tunnel surgery. With acupuncture/massage therapy the end range was still compromised. in BCRB, with the CHIK application to muscle/scar tissue/ the new hand technique she has regained full range of motion.

L. C., RMT
Chikly Health Institute

During BCRB, the bone marrow technique for public bone, sacrum, ischium corrected my client's stance for martial arts kicks. The scapula technique improved the form for her punches. The muscle application for the CHIK corrected the torn hamstring. The bone motility & marrow techniques corrected the broken toe and sprained ankles.

Lotus Chan, RMT
Chikly Health Institute

In 2012, I first learned about the Chikly Health Institute and as of today, I have now completed all of Chikly Health Institute courses in the Lymphatic, Brain, and Heart Centered Therapy (HCT) programs.  This education has radically altered the way I practice my work and the health issues I can address with my clients.  The classes are comprehensive, rich in content and experiential learning, and delivered with the highest professional standards.  When I began the classes with LDT1, it immediately became apparent how essential the integration of the Lymphatic, Brain and HCT programs was going to be to ultimately be able to have an elegant intersection of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of manual treatment.  This curriculum is a pinnacle of excellence in bio-psycho-social hands on manual therapy.  This is a truly unique program.  Many of my colleagues in the classes with far more experience in other CEU training programs, repeatedly commented how superior the classes where with the Chikly Health Institute. I am thrilled to know I had made an extraordinary choice. I look forward to all of the new work Dr. Chikly and Alaya will continue to develop and teach. 

Patricia Anahata Little, LMT, Poulsbo, WA


This is an exciting advanced class for trained cranial osteopaths and craniosacral therapists that will greatly enhance the techniques you are already applying.

It introduces a deep work that engages the cranial rhythm / Cranial Rhythmic Impulse (CRI), the bone marrow, and its profound relationship with the bones, joints, and the central nervous system.

In this class we will:

• Introduce bone marrow: motility, mobility.