I have practiced lymphatic drainage for more than 20 years and have studied many different lymphatic techniques. I never saw such quick and dramatic results as I did witnessing Dr. Chikly''s work. I am very impressed.
Chikly Lymphedema Therapy Certification (CLTC)
The CLTC - Chikly Lymphedema Therapy Certification program - was formerly called LLCC.
To achieve CLTC Certification, the following expectations need to be achieved successfully and to the standards of the Chikly Health Institute.
Completion of:
24 Hours - Lymph Drainage Therapy 1 - Lymphatic Pathways: Anatomical Integrity - 24 ceu's
24 Hours- Lymph Drainage Therapy 2 - Pathological Pathways / Manual Lymphatic Pathways - 24 ceu's
BR: Emotions Related to Each Reflex (BR-ER)
This will be the FIRST class that Alaya and Bruno Chikly will teach together.
- In this class we will work on the unconscious emotions underlying the perinatal reflexes.
Neuro-Emotional Release: Veins & Endocrine System (NERVE)
This class will teach manual therapy release of endocrine glands and brain structures to help release different types of traumas, including deep emotions such as grief and loss, limiting or negative belief systems, etc.
Interstitial Fluid - Notochord - Reciprocal Axes & Lines (INReAL)
In this class, we will be working deep within the interstitial fluid, the ocean in which our cells are nurtured and where life can blossom. These profound techniques connect into the “interior milieu” of our body, an interface between the physical and the non-physical. These interstitial techniques can be applied to almost any structure in the body and often create amazing changes in the body tissue.
LDT1 Thu. Jan 7th - Sun. Jan 10th, 2021 - Calgary - Canada
COVID Protocol with Brain Reflex (BR-COVID-O)
This class will be presented by both Dr Chikly and Alaya Chikly.
Initially Dr Chikly will demonstrate and teach how to reset the three reoccuring perinatal reflexes that have been triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.
This will help to deeply rebalance people as they deal with fear, uncertainty, despair and/or loss. Everyone needs a boost, and here are some valuable keys to support your family and clients to maintain balance through these times.