Follow your heart on these guided journeys within and experience a deeper understanding of the powerful influence of your own consciousness. Take it Back: Discover how every negatively charged thought impacts you, your relationships, and the world around you. Once you awaken to this unconscious dynamic, you can free yourself from painful energetic entanglements. With love and awareness you can take full responsibility for your thoughts and the impact they have on others. Head-Heart Integration: The voices of your heart and your mind are profoundly different. Experience their unique ways of feeling-their likes and dislikes, their innate intelligence, and the distinct ways they express themselves. Then take away tools to bring greater communication and healing to this vital relationship.
“Take It Back” gives a deeper understanding of the power of thought. This visualization brings an awakening experience of how every thought charged with negative emotion has a profound effect upon ourselves, our relationships and the world around us.
Once we become aware of this unconscious human dynamic we can free ourselves and others from painful energetic entanglements. With love and awareness we can be responsible for the amazing power of our thoughts and the impact they have on the world.
Discover how the voice of your heart and the voice of your mind are profoundly different. Experience their uniqueness, their special ways of feeling and expressing themselves, their likes and dislikes, and their innate intelligence. With love and awareness, bring greater communication and healing to this important relationship.
Alaya Chikly, LMT
50 Minutes
Follow your heart on these guided journeys within and experience a deeper understanding of the powerful influence of your own consciousness. Claiming Your Higher Seat of Consciousness, inspired by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO: Each trauma affects a specific area of the brain. The resulting stress causes distortions in our perceptions of life, and weakens the ability of certain brain nuclei to function optimally. Now you can begin to clear and heal these brain traumas to claim a higher seat of consciousness. Clearing the Three Centers of Intelligence: Unresolved traumas create negative fields of information that imprint the tissues of our three centers of intelligence: the heart, the brain, and the abdominal brain or gut intelligence. Find out how to heal each of these centers, and facilitate their reintegration in the physical tissue. This visualization also supports Heart Centered Therapy, which therapeutically addresses individual, family and ancestral healing.
Inspired by Bruno Chikly, MD, DO
Each trauma affects a very specific area of our brain. The stress of unresolved trauma causes distortions in our perceptions of life as well as weakens the ability of specific brain nuclei to optimally function. This visualization helps clear and heal these traumas in the brain and guides you to consciously explore and claim a higher seat of consciousness.
Each unresolved trauma creates a dissonant field of information that imprints the physical tissue of our three centers of intelligence: the heart, the brain and the abdominal brain, or gut intelligence. This visualization helps to heal the affects of trauma in each center of intelligence and facilitate their reintegration in the physical tissue. This supports therapeutic HCT sessions that directly address individual, family and ancestral healings.
Alaya Chikly, LMT
60 Minutes
Weight: .25 lb
A great educational tool for all ages.