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EPoF Sun. Mar 16th - Tue. Mar 18th, 2025 - Mesa, AZ
Class Code / Código de Clase
Prerequisites / Prerrequisitos
Other Classes Prerequisites
4 years of clinical practice is suggested.
Class Date / Fecha de Clase
Sunday, Mar 16, 2025 to Tuesday, Mar 18, 2025
Additional Information / información adicional

Class Hours:

Registration: 8:30 a.m. First day

Class: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Last Day: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Times are subject to change.


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Class Description:

In this class, we will work with different planes of fusion created during the embryonic period.

During embryonic development, there are many instances when two opposing tissues come into contact and fuse to form one continuous structure. This type of tissue fusion occurs during the formation of many organs.

It is important to understand that when these planes fuse, the physical stress and the emotional, familial, or collective environment can influence the type and degree of fusion. 

These planes of fusion or "seams" can be misaligned because the embryological process has been disturbed, but also for numerous reasons after birth such as trauma, accident, shock, and in general a dysfunction of the body/mind/spirit.

It is essential to reevaluate these planes of fusion and complete the embryological process to have a strong foundation of health for these areas.


We will cover in more than 30 labs:

1. Planes of Fusion of the Face and Motility of the Seams

2. Planes of Fusion of the Ear including Pinna, Tympanic Membranes and Ossicles 

3. Planes of Fusion of the Eye including the Lens

4. Planes of Fusion of the Teeth

5. Planes of Fusion of the Hard Palate and the Tongue

6. Planes of Fusion of the Muscles/Tendons:

- Masseter

- Rotator Cuff

- Muscles of the Knee

7. Planes of Fusion of the Bones:

- Hyoid bone

- Vertebrae

- Sacrum and Pelvis

- Long Bones

- Sternum

- Scapula

- Skull and Fontanelles, etc.

8. Planes of Fusion of the Central Nervous System

9. Vertical Lines of Fusion

10. Planes of Fusion of the Digestive System

- Diaphragm (Septum Transversum)

- Heart

- Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum,  Small Intestine

- Large Intestine

- Uterus



There is almost an infinite amount of clinical applications for this class as we work deeply with skin, organ of senses, muscles, tendons, bones, CNS, viscera, etc. Patients/clients will often have a deep, deep sense of well-being that can last for weeks.

Remember, any surgery can disturb these planes of fusion and the techniques of EPoF will be important to release tissue dysfunctions in areas modified by surgery. 

Using the planes of fusion of the external, middle and internal ear, Dr. Chikly was able to treat difficult pathologies he could not address before, including hearing loss related to age and otosclerosis. 

Planes of fusion of the eyes and lens will help numerous eye dysfunctions.

The technique on tendons will release many muscular pathologies (e.g. pain, inflammation, limited range of motion, etc.) that time and again could not be addressed previously by working on the nerves, arteries, veins, lymphatics, fascia, bones, ligaments, muscles, etc. including "frozen" shoulders, or chronic pathologies of the elbow, wrists, hips, knees, ankles, etc.

Planes of fusion of the bones is a wonderful way to efficiently release dysfunctions of the joints throughout the body, including TMJ, vertebrae, ribs, long bones and skull.

Planes of fusion of the central nervous system will complete the techniques learned in Brain level 1.

Planes of fusion of the heart and abdominopelvic viscera will give you new tools for viscera dysfunctions.

Class Hours:

Registration: 8:30 a.m. First day

Class: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Last Day: 8:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Times are subject to change.


Attire/Supplies: (This applies to Live classes)

Bring comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. Some of these approaches require touching exposed skin. We encourage you to bring a bath towel, lab clothes, and appropriate undergarments to be comfortable.

Short fingernails are required for some techniques.

Due to the potential chemical sensitivities of your classmates, please refrain from wearing perfumes or oils to class.



Cancellation Policy:

Tuition Transfer: The tuition is fully transferable up to 30 days before the start of the class.

Within 14 days, a $200 administrative fee will apply

Within seven (7) days, there is no refund of the deposit.

Tuition Refund: Tuition refund requests must be made in writing. Emails are acceptable. Tuition is fully refundable up to 30 days before the start of the class, after which your tuition is non-refundable. In case of an emergency, any requests for a refund later than 30 days before class starts will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Seats are limited. Reserve today: 480-999-0808 or [email protected] 

For any other inquiries, contact [email protected]

Class Country / País de la Clase
United States
Class State
Class City
Bruno Chikly, MD, DO, LMT
Google Maps Address
Meeting Place

Holiday Inn & Suites Phoenix-Mesa/Chandler
1600 S Country Club Dr,
Mesa, Az 85210

Suggested Sleeping Accommodations

Holiday Inn & Suites Phoenix-Mesa/Chandler
1600 S Country Club Dr,
Mesa, Az 85210

Booking link

Class Preparation / Preparación de la Clase

EPoF CLASS PREPARATION:  Be sure you clearly understand the following words and, as applicable, know where to locate them in the body:

  • Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm, Pharyngeal Arches, Somite, Myotome, Sclerotome, Syndetome.
  • Pinna, Tympanic Membranes, Ossicles, Malleus, Incus, and Stapes
  • Lens, Suspensory ligaments of the Lens, Optic Fissure or Choroid Fissure, Coloboma
  • Periodontal ligament or Alveolodental ligament, Periosteum, Sharpey’s fibers
  • Hard Palate and Soft Palate, Tuberculum Impar, Lingula Swelling, Foramen Caecum, Hyoid bone
  • Masseter, Muscles of the Shoulders and the Knees, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, Subscapularis, Biceps Femoris/Cruris, Tensor Fascia Lata, Quadriceps, Subcrureus, Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris, Popliteus, Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus
  • Hyoid bone, Diaphysis, Epiphysis, Growth Plate
  • Fontanelles, Lamina Terminalis
  • Septum Transversum, Central Tendon of the Diaphragm
  • Foregut, Midgut, Hindgut, Esophagus, Stomach, Duodenum, Large and Small Intestines, Uterus
  • Septum of the Heart, Vasculogenesis