In Silent Waves, Dr. Bruno Chikly offers the first comprehensive examinations of lymphatic drainage and lymph pathologies, including lymphedema, in North America. There are over 460 pages, 50 pages of scientific references, and more than 300 illustrations. This book is a softcover copy.
Charlotte Michael Versagi’s review of Dr. Bruno Chikly’s definitive text, Silent Waves.
Extract from In Review: Silent Waves-Theory and Practice of Lymph Drainage Therapy” by Charlotte Michael Versagi, Massage Magazine, July/August 2002.
<<For those therapists and physicians interested in lymphology and lymphedema, there are, unfortunately, only a hand full of respected texts to turn to for reference and treatment. Bruno Chikly’s Silent Waves should be counted as an invaluable text (…)
As a lymphedema therapist myself, I knew the minute a saw the author of this book that it would be invaluable. Chikly’s reputation in the research and treatment of lymphedema is inestimable. He does not disappoint. In fact, he may bring just a little too much to the table (…)
Recently published information on manual lymphatic mapping has been muddy and frustrating: the illustrations in this book on human bodies, and the text explaining this intricate technique, are the best I have seen (…)
It truly is “everything you ever wanted to know about lymphedema or lymphology” in one place. And, it is exquisitely well researched. The extensive bibliography at the end of each chapter alone makes the book worth owning (…)
He gives thorough examples of treatments for pre- and post-surgical applications; chronic venous insufficiency; breast care; cosmetic and esthetic applications; orthopedics and sports medicine; and chronic and subacute infectious diseases, including HIV, rheumatology, neurology and more. (…)
…if you are studying or practicing in this field, your library is not complete without Silent Waves.>>
<<This is the first comprehensive book on the lymphatic system and lymphedema in North America. With this book the lymphatic system has finally been accorded its deserved "place of honor" among the systems of the body. Bruno Chikly's Lymph Drainage Therapy is a breakthrough in the field of manual therapies, and this book is an important and long-waited addition to medical/osteopathic literature.>>
Jean Pierre Barral, D.O., M.R.O.F.
Developer of the Visceral Manipulation curriculum
<<Silent Waves is the bible in the field of lymph drainage therapy. Author Bruno Chikly, MD, is a skilled physician and true healer, and he is the Einstein of this rapidly developing field. This book is a treasure not only for healthcare professionals but also anyone who whishes to learn more about one of the most neglected systems of the human body.>>
Larry Dossey, MD, Executive Director, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine,
Author of nine books including Healing beyond the Body, Reinventing Medicine and Healing Words.
<<Bruno Chikly's book is an incredible resource for patients, their caregivers and health professionals. The extent of the information you make available to therapists and physicians is a gift we can all utilize in our practice and work.>>
Bernie Siegel, MD, Surgeon and author of Love, Medicine and Miracles; Prescription for Living and other Books.
Book detailed content:
Part 1: The Lymphatic System and the Lymphoid Organs
Chapter I- History
1. The Discovery of the Lymphatic System
2. Development of Manual Technique for the Lymphatic System
Chapter II- Phylogeny: The Evolution of the Lymphatic System in Animals
Chapter III- Embryology / Ontogeny: The Evolution of the Lymphatic System in the Human Stages of Development
Chapter IV- The Cardiovascular System
Chapter V- The Lymphatic System
Chapter VI- Composition of Lymph
Chapter VII- Organization of the Lymphatic Pathways
1. The Pre‑Lymphatic Pathways and the Interstitial Tissue
2. Lymphatic Capillaries or Initial Lymphatics
3. Pre‑Collectors
4. Collectors
5. Lymph Trunks and Ducts
6. Lymph Nodes
Chapter VIII- The Immune System & The Lymphoid Organs
Chapter IX- Lymph Circulation
Chapter VIII- Anatomy of The Lymphatic System & Lymph Drainage Therapy Techniques
1. Terminal Pathways:
2. The Head and Neck
3. The Upper Extremity and Chest
4. Lower Extremity
5. The Abdominopelvic Area: Vessels and Nodes of the Viscera
Part 2 Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) & its Applications
- Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM)
Chapter I) Main Functions of the Lymphatic System & Actions of Manual Lymphatic Therapy (MLT)
Chapter II) Indications for Lymph Drainage Therapy
Chapter III) Contraindications And Precautions for Lymph Drainage Therapy
Chapter IV) Ten Points for The Therapist to Observe for Optimal Results
1. Rhythm And Frequency of Movements
2. Hand Pressure
3. Direction of Flow - Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM)
4. Hand Techniques
5. Duration of Movements
6. Sequence of Movements
7-9. Duration of a Session, duration of a Treatment and General Mistakes
10. Contraindications and Precautions of Drainage
Chapter V) Practical Tips for Therapists
Chapter VI) Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM)
Part 3 Edema - Lymphedema
Chapter I- Edema
Chapter I- Transport of Substances – Microcirculation
Chapter III- Pathophysiology and Etiology of Edema
Chapter IV- Lymphedema an Overview
Chapter V- Primary Lymphedema
Chapter VI- Secondary Lymphedema
Chapter VII- Diagnosis of Lymphedema
Chapter VIII- Evolution of Lymphedema: Complex Lymphedema
Chapter IX- Complications of Lymphedema
Chapter X- Psycho‑Social Dimensions of Lymphedema
Part 4 Management of Lymphedema
Chapter I- Brief History of Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP)
Chapter II- General Principles of All Forms of CDP
Chapter III- Evaluation & Documentation of Lymphedema
Chapter IV- Precautionary Measures for Lymphedema
Chapter V- Hands-On Procedure: Manual Lymphatic Therapy (Mlt)
1. Lymphatic Watersheds and Lymphotomes
2. Four Phases in The Drainage of Pathologic Pathways
3- Shunt / Reroutes / Alternative Pathways
4. Treatment of Fibrotic Tissue and Scars
5. Treatments of Side Effects of Radiation Therapy
6. Self-Drainage
Chapter VI- External Medical Compression
Chapter VII- Compression Therapy / Pump
Chapter VIII- Other Therapeutic Modalities For Lymphedema
Chapter IX- Exercise Under Medical External Compression & Diet
Chapter X- Medication
Chapter XI- Surgery
Chapter XII- U.S. Insurance Issues
Part 5 Current applications of LDT and other possibilities to be investigated
Chapter I- Pre & Post Surgery, Burns, Tissue Regeneration
Chapter II- Chronic Venous Insufficiency (Cvi) and Wound Care
Chapter III- Gynecology: Lymphatic Breast Care and Other Applications
LDT Applications for Mastopathy (Breast Problems) and Gynecology
Chapter IV- Dermatology: Esthetic and Cosmetic Applications
Chapter V- Orthopedics ‑ Sports Medicine
Chapter VI- Chronic and Subacute Infectious Diseases - HIV
Chapter VII- Rheumatology
Chapter VIII- Neurology - Central Nervous System
Chapter IX- Ophthalmology
Chapter X- Otorhinolaryngology: Ear-Nose-Throat
Chapter XI- Bariatrics: Obesity / “Cellulite”
Chapter XII- Dentistry, Orthodontics
Chapter XIII- Veterinary Medicine
Part 6 General Overview - The Water Element, the Cell And Body Tissues
Chapter I- Life
Chapter II- The Water Element
Chapter III- The Cell & Organic Compounds
Chapter IV- Body Tissues / Connective Tissue
1. Epithelial Tissue
2. Muscle Tissue
3. Nervous Tissue
4. Connective Tissue
Resource List
Bruno Chikly MD, DO
460 Pages
Weight: 3.7 lb
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8 x 1 inches
A great educational tool for all ages.