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Legal disclaimer

Practitioners who have taken Chikly Health Institute (CHI) approved courses are eligible to be listed in our online directory.
This directory is a list of attendance. It is not intended as an endorsement or recommendation of any therapist, service or product listed, nor does it warrant the nature and/or quality of services.
Please understand that for liability reasons, and because we do not check and follow up on every therapist, we are unable to give personal referrals, by email or phone.
Please contact the therapists on this list directly. You assume sole responsibility for contacting a therapist. Under no circumstances will CHI be liable for damages of any kind, including, without limitation, direct, incidental or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, loss of time, loss of business, physical damage) arising out of the contact made with any one of these therapists.
For CHI general policies, please click here.
While CHI takes reasonable steps to determine the accuracy and completeness of this listing, CHI cannot guarantee the exact accuracy of the CHI and non CHI classes provided in this listing.

Thank you for your understanding.